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Two days ago I had a free fifteen minute one on one call from a real live Life Coach named Koren Motekites, now I have listened to her podcast “How She Really Does It” for the better part of this year and I also receive her newsletter and “minisodes” in my email inbox. This free “coaching” call was frankly for me a little underwhelming only because I felt I already knew what she was going to say, of course she talks to her client and does her radio podcast but I felt that I was actually listening to one of her podcast I’m not saying she sounded rehearsed but the tone of auto pilot was present. I told her about my goals of becoming a Writing Coach and I wanted to know what she felt and what her first steps were when she had the idea of becoming a Life Coach, what she said to me was pretty much what I had figured out for myself over this last year so with everything she said I kind of already am aligned with. Don’t get me wrong it was nice to actually talk to someone I listen to  but I didn’t come away with anything new, I guess everything really is figureoutable. 

Published inThoughts