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This past weekend I spent hours first researching then finally choosing which eBook Website to publish my very first ebook with I chose Smashwords. I knew from the description off the webpage there were “Tutorial” videos involved there were actually several and they were almost two hours long  a piece! But I was determined to become a Published Author by Midnight PDT (I presently live in CDT) anyway, I spent even more hours meticulously trying to adhere to every nuance of the instructions to get my inaugural first book out into the world! Finally as Dawn was breaking I saw my book and my name in “print” for about two hours, then tragedy struck. Alas something went wrong and the problem was caught before my book actually went “live” but this being the weekend a live person was probably out trying to get laid instead of attending to some night owl freaked out writer trying to become published before their ex-husband and his new girlfriend woke up to my shouting (via voicemail) “I told you I would be published before I died! you asshole!” But alas, my voicemail vengeance will have to wait until Monday. 

Published inThoughts