Valerie J Runyan started writing in Los Angeles where she grew up. She raised her two children in Las Vegas where she also took up photography. Her first Blog and Podcast was based outside of Houston. Currently in Las Vegas she continues her writing and publishing journey. Quandaries of Love is her debut collections of narratives.
Who Am I?
I’m Valerie J Runyan and I’ve written all my life. I’m a Certified Life and Writing Coach. I help you write what you need written.
I’m a published Author of a collection of narratives titled Quandaries of Love, Caterpillar-Pieces For My Golden Woman, Gospel of the Wordsmith-Evolution of a Life in Words.
What Are My Credentials?
I have a Bachelors Degree in Paralegal Studies. I’m Certified by Master Certified Life/Business Coach Susan Hyatt and Life /Business/Writing Coach Marie Forlio and I’ve completed a Master Class course on Writing given by Judy Blume these programs have taken me a year and a half to complete.
As a Writing Coach I’ve helped a client write the first draft of his SciFi/Fantasy series of five books titled The Stars Are Not Enough in three months.
When Am I Available
My Coaching is uniquely tailored to my writer and my communication is as well. Venues I engage with are: video, email, phone, and text.
Where Do We Meet?
I prefer to meet my writer online via Zoom or Skype
Why Am I Doing This/ My Goal?
As a Writing Coach, I believe that every human being has a story to share. This brings me great joy and it lights me up so very much. I was meant to serve my fellow human beings by helping them write what they need written!
How Do I Accomplish This/ What Is My Process
My process is: I listen for what my writer’s mindset is. I listen for how long they have wanted to write and for what they want to write. I listen for what they want to do with their writing. With this information together we form a plan of action.